hobbyDB allows collectors, buyers, and sellers to manage, buy, and sell anything that they collect.

Additionally, store owners can setup their own store on our platform and easily manage the entire process within hobbyDB , including item management, quantities, shipping, customer email subscriptions, and more.

Role: I am VP of Engineering and CTO at hobbyDB.

At hobbyDB, I am in charge of leading the development team, designing the application architecture, and managing the development lifecycle for the company.

Technologies and Platforms: Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, SASS (CSS), PostgreSQL, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, AWS S3, Logentries, Sendgrid, New Relic




The Marketplace

The marketplace is the heart of hobbyDB. It is where buyers and sellers come together to buy and sell collectibles.

The hobbyDB marketplace. An item for sale in the marketplace.
The hobbyDB Marketplace and Item for Sale Page

The list page has multiple filters and helps buyers find items as fast as possible.

The show page offers greater data for a potential buyer. Including shipping data, item condition, and the ability to contact the seller directly

The search form for selling an item. The sale form.
Selling Search and Form

When selling, the seller can search and find exactly what they’re selling from the database.

The sell form allows the seller to post the best possible data to increase their conversions.

The best offer modal The checkout page
Best Offer Modal and Checkout

Buyers can make offers on items similar to eBay.

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Seller and Buyer Dashboards

Seller and Buyer Dashboards

Within the seller and buyer dashboards, users can manage everything dealing with buying and selling.

As a seller, they can manage their carts, feedback, messages, offers received and more. As a store owner, they can create coupon codes, manage email subscriptions, and more.

As a buyer, they can additionally manage their orders, addresses, offers sent, and more.

The seller dashboard
The Seller Dashboard
A sellers carts Sellers feedback
Seller Carts and Feedback
Sellers messages Offers received
Messages and Best Offers

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Administrator Dashboard

Administrator Dashboards

The administrator dashboard is of particular importance within hobbyDB. As a platform for buyers and sellers, it can be pretty self-contained. However, in addition to the marketplace, hobbyDB maintains hundreds of thousands of catalog items and subjects within the platform. Imagine, every variant of a particular hot wheel. This data is meticulously maintained, and administrators are constantly managing these items. Additionally, through the use of algorithms they’re able to assign value to catalog items so users can see how much their collections should be worth.

Below is only a fraction of what administrators can manage within the application.

Admin Carts Category Management
Cart and Category Management
Catalog Item Management Catalog Item Photo Management
Catalog Item and Photo Management
Collectible Management Admin Shipping Costs Management
Collectible and Shipping Cost Management

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Let's work together

Send me a message using the form opposite, and I'll be in touch shortly. I'd love to take on any projects you might be thinking about.