Newsela enables K-12 students to read news articles at their appropriate reading level. It helps teachers track their reading through the use of quizzes, annotations, and actionable insights.
Role: I was a consultant at Newsela.
Technologies and Platforms: Python, Django, ReactJS, Redux, PostgreSQL, SQL, AngularJS, Coffeescript, SASS, html
Teacher Binder
The teacher binder enables teachers to view their student activity. The project dealt with helping create a consistent ReactJS architecture and work on the Activity and Students tabs. Reusable components were created for displaying tables and an activity stream.
Technologies: Django, ReactJS, Redux, redux-saga, reselect, CSSmodules, ES6, Babel, Webpack, SASS.
School Summary
The School Summary page enables users of different types to view a brief synopsis of their school. The project entailed creating highly flexible code that could be reused for school administrators, teachers, and anonymous users in different parts of the application. Data access was limited with proper API definitions so that not all information was accessible to all users.
Technologies: Django, AngularJS, Coffeescript, SASS, SQL.
About Pro
The About Pro was a redesign and update of the old About Pro page.
Technologies: AngularJS, HTML, SASS.
Voting Polls
The Voting Polls page allows students to vote on election primaries. On the polls list page, the user can scroll through and filter upcoming and past polls and see current results on the sidebar.
Technologies: Django, AngularJS, Coffeescript, SASS.